Let's grow your YouTube channel.

Break the loop of videos flopping and start to see the results you've worked so hard for.

My experience

Then I started over

After my success with Terraria videos, I abandoned the Yerdsteil channel and created Learn By Leo. I started the channel with zero promotion and poured all my experience and knowledge into the videos.

The results speak for themselves:

More about me:

I started on YouTube at 9 years old. Through tiny improvements, I found success after many channels and six years. Now, with over half a decade of experience creating videos, I have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to find success on YouTube.

My experience of slowly learning the ins and outs of the YouTube algorithm through trial and error has given me a keen eye for what a channel needs to change. I’ve built my channels completely independently, making each part of my videos on my own*, which has given me intimate knowledge of how to apply the necessary changes.

My goal is to help other aspiring YouTube creators shortcut the steep learning curve and avoid the mistakes I made during those early years. For those struggling to gain a foothold on the platform, I have been in your shoes and can offer practical guidance so you too can find your path to success on YouTube.

*I have my friends view my videos before publication and tell me how it is from their perspective as a viewer. Everyone should do this at any skill level.

Here are my editing assets that I've made to speed up my process. You should have them too.